Call for nominations for the 2018-2019 OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors

Call for nominations for the 2018-2019 OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors

The OPTN/UNOS Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for the 2018-2019 Board of Directors. Voting members of the Board of Directors are elected by a vote of the entire membership and serve as volunteers without compensation.

The Nominating Committee is collecting nominations for the below open positions through August 1, 2017. After that time, the Committee will begin meeting to make recommended selections. Individuals may self-nominate or nominate others by submitting this biography form. Information about serving on the board is listed below.

  • Vice-President/President-Elect
  • Secretary
  • Vice-President Patient and Donor Affairs
    • Nominees must be a transplant candidate, transplant recipient, living donor, donor family member, or recipient family member.
  • At-Large MD(s)—General Category
    • The Nominating Committee strongly encourages nominees practicing transplant medicine.
  • At-Large MD(s)—Thoracic Transplantation Category
    • The Nominating Committee is actively seeking nominees with heart or lung transplant expertise.
  • At-Large (Other)
    • The Nominating Committee is actively seeking nominees working in other areas of transplant and procurement, particularly those serving as transplant program administrators.
  • 4 Patient and Donor Affairs Representatives—Individuals must be one of the following
    • transplant candidate
    • transplant recipient
    • living donor
    • organ donor or recipient family member

This year, the Nominating Committee is especially seeking nominees who have the following skill sets:

  • experience in corporate or non-profit governance
  • knowledge of health care finances and organizational financial planning
  • health information technology and systems

Nominees with experience serving on an OPTN/UNOS committee are strongly preferred.

OPTN/UNOS Committee Service

There are 20 standing or ad hoc OPTN/UNOS policy committees that act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors. The members of these committees are appointed by the incoming OPTN/UNOS President. Individuals interested in serving on a committee in 2018 must fill out the biography form at the link above and indicate the committee(s) of interest.

Board of Director position, terms and qualifications


Voting Directors of the Board are elected nationally and serve on the OPTN and UNOS Boards as fiduciaries for each entity.*


Directors serve for a term of two years, with exceptions as noted below.

These Directors serve three-year terms:

  • Transplant candidates
  • Transplant recipients
  • Organ donors
  • Family members of transplant candidates, recipients or organ donors
  • Representatives of voluntary health organizations
  • Representatives of the general public

The Board of Directors may vote to extend the term of any of these Directors for one year. A Director’s term may not be extended more than two times.
Responsibilities and Obligations

As a Board of Directors member, an individual must be capable of and commit to fulfilling all of the following responsibilities for the duration of the term in office:

  • Attend and participate in all in-person Board meetings.  Board meetings are currently held in June and December of each year. UNOS covers reasonable costs and travel expenses related to in-person Board meetings.
  • Prepare for Board meetings by reviewing agenda and supporting materials, ask informed questions, and make positive contribution to discussion during meetings.  Treat others with trust and respect.
  • Maintain confidentiality of all matters discussed in OPTN or UNOS Closed Sessions as well as all materials related to Closed Sessions.
  • Attend and actively participate in Board orientation and education sessions.
  • Understand and follow all conflict of interest policies of the OPTN and UNOS.
  • Attend and participate in a regional meeting each public comment cycle. UNOS will cover reasonable expenses for Board members who do not receive institutional support to attend/participate in the regional meeting.
  • Participate in the development, prioritization, and implementation of projects intended to further goals in the OPTN/UNOS strategic plan.
  • Actively participate in Board policy groups, Board Committees, Board self-assessment and other activities as requested.
  • Stay informed of and meet all legal and fiduciary responsibilities.
  • Act as an ambassador for the OPTN and UNOS.


Individuals serving in this position must meet all of the following qualifications:

  • Personal qualities of integrity, credibility, and a passion for saving lives through organ procurement and transplantation.
  • A commitment to working with a diverse group of individuals and finding consensus.

Prior service on an OPTN/UNOS standing or ad hoc committee is strongly preferred, however, it is not a requirement.

* The Project Officer for the OPTN Contract and the Director of the Division of Transplantation (DoT) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HSS), or a designee of the Director, serve as ex-officio members of the Board without vote. The terms of this job description do not apply to ex-officio Board Members.


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