Bio form updated for volunteering for board or committee service

Bio form updated for volunteering for board or committee service

Call for 2021 nominations coming soon

You asked for a more responsive biography form to apply to serve on the board of directors or a committee, and we listened!

UNOS created a dynamic form, available here, that automatically generates pertinent questions based on the user’s background or professional discipline (transplant hospital staff; OPO personnel; histocompatibility professional; transplant patient, donor, or family member; or member of the general public). Instructions for creating login credentials to fill out a form can be found here.

If you have completed a form within the last year, you do not need to complete a new one. UNOS will issue a call for nominations this summer with a description of board and committee vacancies and needs for the 2021 appointment cycle. Please consider serving the national transplant network, and help recruit engaged volunteers.

Visit the Get Involved page on the OPTN website to learn about the various roles and responsibilities available.

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