- Primary OPO Program Administrators, OPO Quality Coordinators and OPO Quality Directors/Managers
- Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from this information
Implementation date Oct. 15
At-a-glance statement
Data Products implemented annual updates to the Transplant Center Benchmark Report. Several small changes and additions were made to the Standard Transplant Center Benchmark Reports for all organ specific programs.
What will change
Updates to the Transplant Center Benchmark Report include:
- The number of programs in each comparison group are reported in both chapter introductions
- The addition of a center’s average number of transplants are provided alongside transplant volume data
- Lowered threshold for pediatric supplemental chapters: the original pediatric supplemental chapters were generated for programs with at least five candidates/recipients during the cohorts time period. This threshold has been lowered to at least two candidates/recipients. This new threshold information is also be included in the report for reference
- New transplant chapter figure: distribution of travel distance for transplanted organs. This new figure accompanies the current deceased donor geographic allocation type figure
What you need to do
UNetSM data services portal users can still access their Benchmark reports via the data portal. Reports are posted quarterly (January, April, July, and October).
Education and resources
Report Documentation is accessible via search in the documentation section in the data portal
If you have questions relating to this tool or these updates, contact UNOS Data Products at [email protected]