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UNOS news related to COVID-19 and transplantation

COVID-19 update: Nov. 6, 2020

Virtual site surveys and data submission requirements update

UNOS news, policy changes

Modifications made to policy requirements for blood type determination and reporting

OPOs and transplant hospitals will be required to update their written protocols to address both indeterminate and conflicting blood typing results.

“Transplant system that saved my life is under threat”

Heart transplant recipient calls for involving stakeholders to improve the system.

UNOS Labs over an illustration collage with an eye, charts, lightbulb and a funnel

Innovating to strengthen the organ transplant system

UNOS Labs tries out new ideas in behavioral research, data science and technology. Our researchers develop innovative solutions to improve the national organ network and increase organ utilization.

UNOS News: Collaborative improvement

UNOS to launch OPTN collaborative improvement project to increase recovery of DCD organs

Participating OPOs will work to identify and share effective practices related to DCD procurement processes.

UNOS news, system changes

Addition of “Other allele” for DPB1 HLA in DonorNet, TIEDI, and KPD

Effective Nov. 18, DonorNet, TIEDI, and KPD users who enter HLA will have the ability to select “Other allele” for locus DPB1.

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