Addition of “Other allele” for DPB1 HLA in DonorNet, TIEDI, and KPD

Addition of “Other allele” for DPB1 HLA in DonorNet, TIEDI, and KPD


All DonorNet®, TIEDI®, and KPDSM users, particularly staff who view, edit or change HLA

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Implementation date

Nov. 18



Effective Nov. 18, DonorNet, TIEDI, and KPD users who enter HLA will have the ability to select “Other allele” for locus DPB1.

This was a member-driven improvement that received approval from histocompatibility community leaders.


Additional details

The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Histocompatibility Committee has requested the addition of a new value for DPB1 HLA to address the concern that there are some documented alleles not available in the list of approved OPTN DPB1 HLA.

Prior to this change, in the event that a candidate or donor had an allele for DPB1 that was not in the drop-down selector, the user was not able to select an accurate option for the candidate or donor’s HLA.



If you have questions, please contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. EDT.

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