Adding OR date and time alerts to DonorNet

Adding OR date and time alerts to DonorNet


OPO and transplant hospital staff who use DonorNet®


On April 26, 2017, we added new features to DonorNet so that OPOs can add scheduled OR dates, times and locations to the system. DonorNet users will be able to get organ recovery alerts by email or text message.


In the Donor Information section of the Details tab, OPOs can now record when and where an upcoming donor recovery surgery is planned, and whether the date and time are tentative or scheduled.

When the OPO sets up alerts for a case, any user with access to the case can “follow” it by signing up for alerts in the same section of the donor record. All users who have elected to follow the donor will receive an alert with a single click of a button, when the OPO has updated OR information to share.

Login to UNetSM and see the “Adding OR date and time alerts” system notice to access instructions. Help documentation is available in DonorNet.

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