Message boards to UNet KPD system now available

Message boards to UNet KPD system now available

All OPTN/UNOS kidney paired donation (KPD) system users

Please forward this message to others who need to know this information.

On March 30, 2017, we added exchange-level message boards and several new features to the KPD system to help you manage and communicate about match offer status and deadlines.

More details
A new message board page is available for each exchange in a match cycle. Exchange participants (who have a candidate or donor in an exchange) can enter and view deadline dates, view progression of the entire exchange, and post messages about the exchange.

All KPD users can view the message boards and to set alerts for new message posts.


A training video recording is available on UNOS Connect. Login with your UNet user name and password and choose “UNet” in the course catalog. Help documentation is available in the KPD system.

Contact [email protected] with general questions about the program.
Contact UNOS Customer Service at (800) 978-4334 or [email protected] with technical and/or system questions.

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