Added a donor highlights change log to DonorNet on June 19

Added a donor highlights change log to DonorNet on June 19

Members requested improvements at TMF 2019 innovation event 

UNOS innovation events give UNetSM users a chance to tell us about system improvements that will help them in their daily jobs. We hosted the most recent workshop at the 2019 Transplant Management Forum in May. Among the many ideas discussed, transplant professionals asked for more visibility into updates made to the “donor highlights” field. Donor highlights contains important donor information and often includes on-call contacts.

Transplant professionals identified several challenges with the donor highlights field:

  • Difficult to know if donor highlights was recently updated.
  • Updates to on-call information aren’t apparent.
  • Users can’t tell who made the last change and when.

UNOS IT looked into this idea and went to work on a solution. On June 19, UNOS implemented a donor highlights change log that provides a list of dates, times and users who updated the donor highlights.

  • OPO view – Last Changed Date appears to the right above the donor highlights field. A link to the full donor highlights log appears below this information.
  • Transplant center view – Last Changed Date appears below the donor highlights field. A link to the donor highlights change log appears next to the last change date.

Some of the benefits of the change log:

  • Greater traceability regarding changes.
  • Easy to see, at a glance, if recent changes were made.
  • Long term horizon – notifications.

We welcome your suggestions for improvement and invite you to participate at an upcoming UNOS innovation event. The next one will be held at NATCO annual meeting in July. If you have questions, please contact UNOS customer service at [email protected] or (800) 978-4334.


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