2022 UNOS staffing survey now open

2022 UNOS staffing survey now open

The 2022 UNOS staffing survey is now open, including new enhancements that streamline the user experience and make it easier to submit and receive data. Hospitals will receive their own dashboards of results and benchmarks in the UNOS Data Services Portal, available late spring. 

Where can users find the staffing survey?

Users will find both the survey and the interactive dashboard with results in the UNOS Visual Analytics section of the UNOS Data Services Portal. This is a change from surveys prior to last year.

What other changes have been made?

The community has been at the center of these improvements. Feedback from volunteers from across the country led to these changes:

  • Users will have the ability to submit data for multiple programs in the same survey. This will make filling out the survey easier in those cases where staff are shared across programs.
  • This year’s survey also includes a User Guide. Reviewing the User Guide prior to starting the survey will streamline the submission process, especially for users submitting data for multiple programs.
  • This year’s survey will provide more data results in the interactive dashboard, and you will also be able to access results in a spreadsheet format, similar to the historical reports format.
  • Users will have the ability to “opt-in” to view identified results of other programs who have agreed to make their results available in this manner.

What information is needed to complete the survey?

Before you begin the survey, you will want to review the new User Guide and have the following numbers for 2022 available:

  • Referrals to program
  • Pre-transplant clinic visits
  • Pre-transplant evaluations
  • Post-transplant clinic visits
  • Living donor evaluations
  • Total number of patients followed pre- and post-transplant

How will completing this survey benefit individual programs and the community?

As in prior years, only programs that complete surveys for their organ-specific programs will have access to the summary and comparison data. Maximizing participation helps everyone, and the value increases when more transplant programs participate.

We always want to hear from users and improve the survey. Please contact [email protected] with any improvement suggestions.

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