About 2021 Transplant Management Forum gold level sponsors

About 2021 Transplant Management Forum gold level sponsors

Blade logo

BLADE Medimobility

Based in New York City and backed by Airbus, KSL Capital, and Lerer Hippeau, BLADE is a technology-powered, global urban air mobility platform committed to reducing travel friction by enabling cost-effective air transportation alternatives to some of the most congested ground routes in the U.S. and abroad. BLADE is also the largest arranger of organ transfer flights in the Northeast.

We set out with a simple mission, leverage our captive infrastructure and 24/7 availability of dedicated aircraft to revolutionize the procurement process and provide cost-effective, rapid movement of organs and transplant teams that ultimately improve patient outcomes. Expeditious transportation is critical for organ transplantation; for every hour an organ is outside of the human body, surgical success rates decrease materially. Our partnerships with nationwide helicopter, jet, and ambulance providers allow us to seamlessly combine multiple modes of transportation to reduce recovery times at every stage. In 2020 alone, BLADE helped our hospital partners cut over 140 travel hours while saving hundreds of thousands of dollars.

By utilizing direct helicopter flights to hospital rooftops, BLADE eliminates the need for ambulance transport and removes the unpredictability of traffic delays encountered with ground transport. When flying a mission outside the range of a direct helicopter, BLADE will cut down travel times with an airport transfer, utilizing on-tarmac harmonization between helicopters and incoming jets to extend the useful life of organs by saving precious minutes. BLADE enables hospitals to access a nationwide fleet of jets and turboprops; servicing missions with industry-leading response times and the most cost-efficient aircraft for the mission, which ultimately results in improved patient outcomes.

The BLADE Medimobility team is proud of the life-saving work we carry out every day and are continuing to innovate to help our hospital partners improve patient success rates and cut costs.

Please contact Nate Alexander, Director of Medical Mobility at 201-247-5070, or send an email to [email protected] to start arranging end-to-end procurement solutions today! 

Buckeye Transplant Services logo

Buckeye Transplant Services

Buckeye Transplant Services was founded in 2008 to address a need that existed within the transplant community. We provide services that facilitate the transplant process and assist our transplant partners in achieving great outcomes for their patients. Buckeye has grown from a single transplant center to over 50 across the United States. Our success can be attributed to our commitment in providing consistent, timely and superior services while recruiting experienced transplant professionals that personify our mission and key values.

We are the leading provider of organ offer management and other transplant support services. Our onboarding process ensures success before we begin a partnership. Becoming an extension of your team, and our collaborative personalized approach, have been a key ingredient in our excellent relationships with our centers. We provide a superior service by creating streamlined and replicable processes then staffing our teams with a small core group of knowledgeable coordinators that will become part of your transplant family.

Buckeye, unlike many of our competitors, classify our coordinators as W2 employees. This gives us more control of our services, allows us to provide on-going education to our coordinators, and provides an avenue to offer benefits such as a 401K savings plan and health/dental/vision insurance. Attracting and retaining excellent coordinators is vital as we continue to exceed expectations.

Natera logo


Natera is a global leader in cell-free DNA (cfDNA) testing. The mission of the company is to change the management of disease worldwide with a focus on women’s health, oncology and organ health. Developed by our trusted legacy in cfDNA, the Prospera™ transplant assessment test is optimized to be a precise and reliable tool for early, clinically meaningful rejection assessment. Renasight™, a renal genetics panel, is a comprehensive, accessible genetic test for patients with chronic kidney disease.


National Living Donor Assistance Center logo

The National Living Donor Assistance Center

The National Living Donor Assistance Center (NLDAC) is proud to be a Gold Level Sponsor for the 2021 UNOS Transplant Management Forum (TMF).  We value this opportunity to interact with transplant administrators, clinical and financial coordinators, social workers, and other transplant professionals and share how the NLDAC program can help living donors at your transplant center.

NLDAC was established in 2006 to administer a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grant to reduce financial disincentives to living organ donation.  We work closely with transplant centers across the U.S. who submit applications on behalf of their eligible donors.

This year has brought exciting growth to the program.  Beyond the long-standing travel reimbursement program, NLDAC now provides reimbursement of lost wages and dependent care for eligible living donors.  We have also implemented an easier pathway for anonymous, non-directed donors to participate.

Collaboration with transplant centers is instrumental to the program’s success.  To that end, we provide free resources to help your center leverage NLDAC funding for your donors. This includes printed educational materials in English and Spanish, monthly training for transplant center personnel, and access to a dynamic dashboard that shows how many applications your center has submitted and how much federal funding has been provided to your donors.

Our team stands ready to help you help your donors.  Learn more at www.livingdonorassistance.org.

We are pleased to sponsor the coffee break on Tuesday, April 20, and hope you will stop by our virtual booth to say hello and check out additional resources.

NORA logo


NORA, Nationwide Organ Recovery Transport Alliance’s One Call Service for Air and Ground Transportation, 100% dedicated to the organ procurement industry, differentiates us from other transportation companies.  Our team has the skill and experience to perform the logistics required to meet critical time frames, which frees up your staff to do what they do best, save lives!

Sponsoring TMF allows us to meet with current and prospective clients to discuss and create transportation systems that meet the particular air and ground transportation needs for that program.  NORA feels it is important to be educated on the issues facing our clients and to find resolutions to the ever-changing legislative environment affecting transplant centers.

Vision, competency, focus, experience, initiative, and leadership dedicated to providing a quality driven service making a difference in saving lives is our inspiration!

No better time to evaluate your program’s transportation services

  • Changes in organ allocation for kidney transports in February 2021 to a wider location.
  • Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 per CMS guidelines, where will your program be on Aug. 1, 2026?
  • COVID-19 protocols to ensure safety of your team, vehicles disinfected before/after transports, contact tracing, protective equipment provided and required to be used by all parties.
  • Ground vehicles dedicated to your program 24/7/365!
Transports – Air1,250
Transports – Ground19,000
States served22
Dedicated ground vehicles90+
Dedicated aircraft/backup aircraft5/80+

Contact Don Jones, CEO, 303-956-5540 [email protected] or Scott Demczyszyn, VP, at [email protected] today to set up an appointment.


logo for Standford Children's Health and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford

Stanford Children’s Health

As one of the leading pediatric transplant centers in the country, we believe in giving back through the support of the national transplant community. The Transplant Management Forum is a wonderful event that brings together all types of transplant professionals, including administrators, physicians, nurses, quality improvement professionals, and more! Through this community collaboration, we can all achieve much more in the pursuit of organ transplant and donation than we would alone. At Stanford Children’s Health, we are honored to be a part of this meaningful work.

We’re sponsoring TMF Communications. This is our second year supporting TMF and we have numerous institutional years of attendance.

Our mission is to achieve world-wide eminence in pediatric organ transplantation and recovery.

The Pediatric Transplant Center at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford in Palo Alto, California, is a national transplant volume leader with more than 25 years of experience performing pediatric organ transplants. We excel at handling the toughest challenges. We provide high-touch care to high acuity cases for children needing all kinds of transplants, including heart, lung, liver, kidney, intestine and combined transplants.

Our physicians and scientists are developing new ways to manage immunosuppression so that transplant patients can live longer, fuller lives. Advances in bioengineering, stem cell therapy, genetics and personalized medicine will further improve things for our young patients for years to come.

We would like to emphasize our cutting edge pediatric multi-organ transplant programs at Stanford Children’s Health. We specialize in treating multi-organ failure in kids, such as failing Fontan patients with associated liver failure, combined pediatric heart/lung transplant, multi-visceral and solitary intestinal transplant, as well as combined stem cell and solid organ transplant!

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