Donor Tributes

A special collection of tributes for organ donors
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As selfless and giving in death as in life, Missy was a light in this weary world.

Kaidence Contreras

Kaidence Contreras

She knew as a teen that she would give her own life so others could live.

Matthew McIntyre

Matthew McIntyre

I am alive due to the generous gift of life my donor angel Matthew gave me.

Samuel Wallman

Samuel Wallman

In the midst of their tremendous grief, his parents decided to give the gift of life through the donation of Sam’s organs.

Jamie Garcia-Marrow

Jamie Garcia-Marrow

Jamie’s generous heart and grace gave until her last moments on earth where she gave the gift of life to another.

Kylie Grace

Kylie Grace

Kylie saved two other children with her donations.

Kamonie Love

Kamonie Love

It’s because of you that we are given this time with my daughter. Without you, we may have had one more month with her, perhaps two.

Anthony Jeffery III

Anthony Jeffery III

My sweet boy, you gave four other people a second chance at life. You helped hundreds more by raising awareness and support about juvenile diabetes.

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