Anthony Franceschini Jr.
He just always knew how to make you feel better. I didn’t expect to lose him as soon as I did, but God has a plan and Anthony was able to help someone out there.
Andrea Swisher
This kidney has allowed him live as This kidney has allowed him to live as normal of a life as he can. of a life as he can.
Kamil Berlingeri
My mom was my best friend
Kristi Hadfield
Not only has she saved my father’s life, but she saved mine too.
Briana Brooks
When Briana Brooks received her driver’s permit, she made the decision to register as an organ donor, and with that single act she would change the lives of others forever.
Dan Glowatski
My brother who always puts everyone’s needs before his own turned out to be a match.
Lonnie P. Bianchi
When I was approached about organ donation for my brother Lonnie, I did not hesitate to say yes.
Gary Mensinger
Losing him was unimaginable but knowing what was gained by his donation eases some of the sting of such a great loss.
Shawna Robinson
I can’t thank you enough for your selfless act of donating a kidney to me.
Daniel Kristopher Glover
Danny died on January 30, 2012, he saved many lives including that of his little league coach who received his liver.
Kade Dylan Contreras
At the age of four, Kade became our small-town hero.
Jordan Michael Cummins
His tender heart lives on in someone else because of his never ending desire to help others.