Annual kidney allocation calculator updates
Reference populations were updated for the kidney donor profile index (KDPI) and estimated post-transplant survival (EPTS) calculators.
Reference populations were updated for the kidney donor profile index (KDPI) and estimated post-transplant survival (EPTS) calculators.
On May 23, 2019, OPTN Policy 9 (Allocation of Livers and Liver-Intestines) reverted to use of the donation service area (DSA) and regional distribution boundaries in effect prior to May 14, 2019.
On May 23, 2019, OPTN Policy 9 (Allocation of Livers and Liver-Intestines) will revert to use of the donation service area (DSA) and regional distribution boundaries in effect prior to May 14, 2019.
Members have contacted us with questions about the detailed CPRA value versus the CPRA score used for allocation.
We made changes to improve the UNet KPD system on April 24, 2019.