Waitlist enhancements and new kidney features coming
On Sept. 27, UNOS will launch the first in a series of enhancements to the visual design and workflows in Waitlist.
On Sept. 27, UNOS will launch the first in a series of enhancements to the visual design and workflows in Waitlist.
Starting late summer 2022, any caller who requests access to private information or UNet services from UNOS, will use a new identity verification process that utilizes Authy, the same application used for accessing UNet.
Several policy changes impacting TIEDI forms were approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in March 2022.
The policy changes were enacted to improve the quality and timeliness of Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network data.
Time zone labels have been added to the Potential Transplant Recipient (PTR) Offer Response page in DonorNet®.
Transplant programs are asked to confirm or update patient status for selected patients.