Lung Composite Allocation Score (CAS) calculator available on OPTN website
The lung Composite Allocation Score (CAS) calculator is now available on the OPTN website.
The lung Composite Allocation Score (CAS) calculator is now available on the OPTN website.
Transplant programs are encouraged to submit forms by Feb. 23, 2023 to ensure the Lung Review Board has sufficient time to adjudicate cases prior to implementation of lung continuous distribution.
More than 80 transplant programs are participating in the project; a virtual option for the in-person kickoff event is available to the entire community.
The OPTN will host a webinar for transplant patients to learn about upcoming changes to lung distribution.
Report shows key measures of adult heart allocation based on policy changes implemented in July 2022.
The lung Composite Allocation Score (CAS) calculator will be available on the OPTN website beginning Feb. 2, 2023.