Examining equity in access to deceased donor lung transplants
Recently published study measured disparities related to geographic, demographic, clinical and socioeconomic factors for lung allocation.
Recently published study measured disparities related to geographic, demographic, clinical and socioeconomic factors for lung allocation.
Thanks to the HOPE Act, 100 organ transplants have been performed for HIV-positive candidates willing to accept organ offers from HIV-positive donors.
Two years since its implementation, the HIV Organ Policy Equity Act (also known as the HOPE Act) has continued to provide transplant opportunities for candidates with HIV who are willing to accept organ offers from HIV-positive donors.
Implemented in November 2015, the act allows research on transplantation of organs from donors identified as HIV-positive into HIV-positive candidates.
UNOS staff researchers recently developed a new data report to measure how the OPTN system for allocating deceased donor kidneys is meeting the needs of transplant candidates.