UNOS saves lives through transplantation.


Even though Josh’s life was cut tragically short, his organs helped save several others. Thanks to a lifesaving heart transplant, one recipient uses his second chance at life to complete the bucket list Josh left behind.

Watch and share this video to raise awareness about how organ transplantation saves lives.

True stories that inspired this campaign

With a new lease on life, Justine is checking off many things on her donor’s bucket list — like Mason’s wish to drive a race car >

Source: KWCH12

Kristina’s bucket list helped her parents overcome her tragic death. Read about Kristina’s bucket list >

Source: Fox 8 News

Heather will never forget the comforting rhythm of her late son’s pulsing heart. Read Heather’s story >

Source: People

Matching organs. Saving lives.

UNOS manages the national transplant waiting list, matching organs to patients in need 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We accomplish this through technology, policy, education and research. UNOS engages the public and transplant community in our work to shape and maintain a high-performing, patient-centered transplant system that is safe, efficient, ethical, and medically sound.

Matching organs

UNOS provides a vital link in the organ transplant process. Its policies and computerized network match donated organs with transplant candidates in ways that save as many lives as possible and provide transplant recipients with the best possible chance of long-term survival. Only medical and logistical factors are used in organ matching.

Fair & equitable transplants

To ensure the best possible solutions for patients awaiting transplantation, the OPTN follows a collaborative policy development process that encourages participation by the public and transplant community. This process, which also includes extensive and valid scientific data, ensures that all patients have an equal chance of receiving a suitable organ.

Keeping patients safe

UNOS collects, analyzes, publishes and shares clinical transplantation data in order to promote safety, improve care and promote successful transplant outcomes. We are also committed to educating transplant professionals on current best practices and policy implementation to improve patient outcomes and continued operational efficiency.

Despite advances in medicine and technology, and increased awareness of organ donation and transplantation, there continues to be a gap between supply and demand. More progress is needed to ensure that all candidates have a chance to receive a transplant. Your organs could save lives too.

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