Resolve to learn more in 2018

Resolve to learn more in 2018

Get reacquainted with UNOS Connect

Since UNOS launched our learning management system, UNOS Connect, a year and a half ago, over 6000 transplant professionals have accessed 130 training videos and interactive modules. The UNOS Connect website gives you access to varied resources, all designed to prepare you for upcoming policy changes and for the subsequent changes to the UNet computer system as a result. You can also find a variety of effective practices.

The next time you visit UNOS Connect, you’ll find a fresh look and even more resources. If you haven’t visited in a while, now is a great time to return. And if you’re new to transplant, you’ll want to become a frequent visitor.

How do I access the resources?
It’s easy. In fact, if you are a registered UNet user, you already have access. After logging onto UNet, select Resources from the main menu and choose UNOS Connect from the dropdown menu. This will bring you directly to the UNOS Connect website and give you instant access to all of our training materials.

If you work in the transplant field or simply want to get certified in some transplant-related topics, but don’t have access to UNet, you can register as a public user. Just visit the UNOS Connect home page and follow the instructions to create a new account.

Why your peers use UNOS Connect
Kazuo Oishi, a procurement coordinator from OPO Legacy of Life, Hawaii
“I use DonorNet and TIEDI every day so the website is so easy to access from UNet. We’re a small OPO so I have many roles and one of those roles is to manage other coordinators. UNOS Connect makes it easy for me to handle the training needs of staff. Not only do we use it to orient new coordinators, but we require existing coordinators to complete various modules in order to fulfill their annual certification. We make all of the patient safety videos mandatory. I particularly liked the ABO module. It was highly interactive and impossible to watch passively. A great active learning experience.”

Chris Mattson, on-call organ preservationist for Cleveland University Hospitals
“I do on-call organ recoveries for hearts and lungs. But I’m not a nurse and I don’t work for an OPO, so this allows me to get the CEUs I need for my certification without paying an arm and a leg in association fees. I’m on the website at least once a month looking for training opportunities. I really enjoyed the Ethics Series. The situations presented really gave me something to think about.”

Samantha Heule, a certified clinical transplant coordinator at Hackensack Medical Center
“I learn of policy changes and the related training opportunities in the Transplant Pro eNewsletter. At that point, I’ll visit UNOS Connect and make sure I’m up-to-date on the latest issues. I also routinely search the course catalog. When I was covering for a colleague as a living donor coordinator, I scanned the catalog for anything that could help me, particularly anything related to KPD. I really enjoyed the living donor modules related to ethical issues. Living donation is a grey area so it helped me to explain the different sides. And I love getting the credits I need to renew my certification. This resource wasn’t available when I first went in to transplant, but I’m awfully glad I use it now.”


  • Start and stop training at any point and pick up where you left off
  • Sign up to get notifications about your training progress or events you may be interested in
  • Keep track of your training and continuing education credits and print and save your certificates

Call 804-782-4882 or send an e-mail ([email protected]) to UNOS Connect administrator Tom Coltrain.

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