2019 DonorNet® imaging study pilot

2019 DonorNet® imaging study pilot

In January, UNOS will begin a pilot project to enable sharing of donor medical images in DonorNet.® Several OPOs will participate in the pilot, which will run through April. We are partnering with Ambra Health on this pilot.

Our goal is provide consistent, secure and reliable access to high-quality medical imaging studies during organ allocation. The pilot is the first step UNOS is taking to enable sharing of medical image studies.

UNOS is using this pilot to determine functional, training, and support needed to make image study sharing available nationwide. In the future, we would like to enable donor hospitals to send imaging studies to DonorNet directly from their hospital’s system. We would also like to enable OPOs to send imaging studies to radiologists and cardiologists who can access and read the information.

During the pilot, only participating OPOs are allowed to upload DICOM imaging studies. DICOM imaging studies will be available to any user who has permissions to view the donor’s record in DonorNet®. Participating OPOs may not choose to train all of their coordinators to upload imaging studies. Imaging studies may not be available in DonorNet® for all donors from participating OPOs.

UNOS will offer training for pilot participants and others in early January. We will gather user feedback from the pilot to consider in preparing to offer imaging studies more widely.

Contact UNOS Customer Service (UNetSM Help Desk) with questions at 800-978-4334 or [email protected].

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