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60K transplants by 2026 with an arrow in the bullseye of the zero

OPTN Task Force sets goal of achieving 60K transplants by 2026

The OPTN Expeditious Task Force embarks on ambitious project to save more lives, increase efficiency

Public comment

Public Comment open from Jan. 23 through March 19, 2024

The OPTN is offering 11 items for review, including one proposal, one guidance document, two request for feedback, three data collections, and four policy proposals.  

UNOS news

Two guidance documents updated

Resources address VCA donation, geographically endemic infections

UNOS news, system changes

Coming soon: Contact management enhancements

The organ offer contact management utility within DonorNet® will be updated to have a clearer and more concise list of contact device options.

Four photos of transplant recipients celebrating life. With "I love my donor" doodle.

2023: a year of more lives saved

Celebrating memories made and milestones reached, thanks to the gift of life.

UNOS news, patient safety

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Living it forward

Stories of hope

Each person touched by organ donation and transplant has a unique story. Read about lives changed
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