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Lung policy

Pre-implementation notice: Lung policy modification for blood type

Effective Sept. 27, 2023, the points assigned for blood type in lung allocation will be updated.

UNOS news, system changes

President Biden signs Securing the U.S. OPTN Act

President signs new law increasing competition for OPTN contract

We are committed to working with HRSA, Congress, the wider donation and transplantation community and other stakeholders to ensure the best possible system for patients, donors and their families.

Valinda Jones on why she volunteers

Why I volunteer: Valinda Jones, M.S.N., RN, kidney recipient

Board member describes the vital role of volunteers with personal experience in donation and transplantation.

Updates to medical urgency scoring of liver transplant candidates in effect

Updated criteria will better identify and prioritize urgent candidates.

UNOS News: Collaborative improvement

Learning Congress planned for OPTN DCD Lung Transplant Collaborative

The Sept. Learning Congress, open to all adult lung programs, will mark the conclusion of eight-month collaborative focused on increasing DCD lung transplantation.

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