My baby brother was an organ donor. His name is Mitchell. He was 22-years-old. He was the best kid my mom has!
On April 23, he had a skateboard accident. He was just riding with our other brother and their friends like any other time. This time, he fell. The way he hit his head wasn’t good. They instantly knew something wasn’t right. I remember pulling into my driveway and calling my mom back. She told me what happened and I collapsed. My baby brother that I watched, fed, who looked up to me is in the hospital on life support.
I’ll never forget that day or the day I walked into the hospital but the best thing he did was donate all his organs. They gave away everything but his eyes. He was the best baby brother I could have asked for. I would love to find the person with his heart. I’d cherish that day forever. Please wear a helmet even if you’re not doing tricks!!! We love you Mitchell Louis Scott <3
Submitted on behalf of: Michelle Murrin (Big sister)