Lovely Lady Linda although was 8 months old when leaving this earth. Her organs live on in another. Life has not been remotely the same. Place of residents changes, income, business, family, my heart along with my smile. But I would not change this knowing that she has given life to two other people. Knowing that 2 families will not go through what I have physically and emotionally. The gift she has given not only to them but their families. One day I hope to connect with the man in PA with her kidneys and the 5 year old little girl who received her liver. Not to do anything but see the life they have because of my lil’ angel. This I know might happen one day. Prayers for all those who have loss and those waiting for a transplant. GOD is good always, the pain gets less intense but never goes away. It’s not learning to move on or get over it, but learning to live with it.
Submitted on behalf of: Angie Strempel (Mother)