TIEDI® enhancements allow for self service on recipient follow up forms
Changes were implemented on June 28, 2017.

Coming August 29: HLA Equivalency Table Update and addition of DQA1 equivalences
Note: This is the original notice as it appeared on July 19. We have since changed the implementation date to Sept. 12, 2017 with some changes to the release. Please refer to this updated system notice for details about what has changed. Implementation date: August...
Kidney allocation system updates in DonorNet
Audience Transplant Centers: Directors, Administrators, Data Coordinators, Physicians, Surgeons, Clinical Coordinators, Compliance Officers, and Quality Review Officers at kidney, pancreas and KI/PA programs Labs: Directors, Supervisors, Data Coordinators At-a-glance...
UNet enhancement in Waitlist: Donor ID added to Prior Donor HLA report
The change will allow users to search for the host OPO more easily.

New fields added in Waitlist to help you prepare for simultaneous liver-kidney allocation (SLK) policy changes
New fields were added in Waitlist that reflect an upcoming policy change for liver and kidney candidates.