Changes to HLA and unacceptable antigen options coming Aug. 30
Updates to HLA typing and unacceptable antigen reporting options and equivalencies will go into effect Aug. 30.
Updates to HLA typing and unacceptable antigen reporting options and equivalencies will go into effect Aug. 30.
Several policy changes impacting TIEDI forms were approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in March 2022.
Effective Sept. 1, any caller who requests access to private information or UNet services from UNOS, will use a new identity verification process that utilizes Authy, the same application used for accessing UNet.
Effective Aug. 30, new requirements under revisions to OPTN Policy 18: Data Submission Requirements include a data lock provision to make changes to any of the eight TIEDI forms.
Changes to HLA and unacceptable antigen options will go into effect Aug. 30, as well as changes to the equivalences used for HLA matching and screening of unacceptable antigens between candidates and donors.
Transplant hospitals are able to take immediate action to benefit a select population of Black candidates impacted by race-inclusive eGFR calculations.