Implementation notice: Two new transplant performance metrics now in effect
New metrics will provide a more holistic view of patient care, are expected to reduce emphasis on post-transplant outcomes and increase the number of transplants.
New metrics will provide a more holistic view of patient care, are expected to reduce emphasis on post-transplant outcomes and increase the number of transplants.
In order to address patient safety concerns, the OPTN Executive Committee approved a modification of OPTN Policy 6.4: Adult and Pediatric Status Exceptions on July 11 that is now in effect.
Transplant hospitals that have completed the 2021 UNOS Staffing Survey may now access their program’s results, along with comparison statistics for transplant program staffing benchmarks with the 2021 data.
The actions will increase the equity of access to liver transplant, and were among a number of additional measures adopted by the board.
The late UNOS director of public communications helped establish an award recognizing advocates in 2010. Now, the same award has been renamed to honor its very first champion.
Policy toolkit and professional education available.