Monkeypox educational document available for transplant candidates
Resource addresses risks, treatment and prevention.
Resource addresses risks, treatment and prevention.
The document addresses potential risks and strategies to prevent donor-derived transmission.
Effective Sept. 1, any caller who requests access to private information or UNet services from UNOS will use a new identity verification process that utilizes Authy.
The OPTN Ad Hoc Disease Transmission Advisory Committee (DTAC) is evaluating this situation as it develops.
In order to address patient safety concerns, the OPTN Executive Committee approved a modification of OPTN Policy 6.4: Adult and Pediatric Status Exceptions on July 11 that is now in effect.
This new policy will allow transplant programs to submit an exception request on behalf of adult heart transplant candidates for a Status 1, 2 or 3 exception without requiring hospitalization if the FDA has recalled their implanted mechanical circulatory support device.