
TMF 2025 speaker Ankit Mathur on AI in Transplant and OPO Operations

TMF 2025 speaker Ankit Mathur on AI in Transplant and OPO Operations

“By gaining a better understanding of data analytics, predictive data models and AI technologies in organ transplantation, we can foster more thoughtful and informed conversations about the possibilities they offer moving forward.”

Ankit Mathur, MBA, MSIS, Chief Technology Officer at UNOS

What are you presenting on at TMF?

My session will explore the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and organ donation and transplantation. As AI technology evolves, I believe it has the potential to significantly improve how we approach organ allocation. By harnessing its ability to analyze large amounts of data, AI and predictive data models can not only predict outcomes but also run complex algorithms more efficiently and effectively, ultimately improving the entire allocation process and saving more patient lives.

Why do you think this is an important topic for the community?

AI is becoming an integral part of our everyday lives and work. When properly used, these technologies can save lives. As these technologies continue to evolve, it’s crucial to understand them, especially when they are being implemented in life-saving systems. Trust is at the core of this process—it’s not just about having confidence in the technology itself, but also ensuring transparency in how AI systems are developed and how decisions are made.

What are you hoping attendees gain from your session?

I want to challenge attendees to think beyond the current possibilities and envision what’s next for organ allocation and transplantation. While AI is still in its early stages of adoption, it’s already proving to be a powerful tool, and understanding its capabilities is essential. By gaining a deeper understanding of these technologies, particularly in the field of organ transplantation, we can foster more thoughtful and informed conversations about its future potential. If we get it right, we can optimize organ placement, foresee organ failure risks and ultimately allocate more life-saving organs to patients.

This session is sponsored by Statline.

Attend this session and more at TMF 2025

Learn more from Mathur at the 2025 Transplant Management Forum in San Antonio, TX.  Registration is now open.

TMF 2025 speaker Laura Butler on Collaborative Leadership in Transplantation

TMF 2025 speaker Laura Butler on Collaborative Leadership in Transplantation

“Collaboration between clinical, business and regulatory roles is essential to building transplant programs that prioritize patient care and outcomes. Having lived on both sides of transplant care, I’m passionate about sharing the lessons I’ve learned.”

Laura Butler, MMHC, M.S.N., AVP Transplant Services, Montefiore Medical Center

What is the topic of your session at TMF?

My session will highlight the importance of collaboration between the clinical, business, and regulatory roles and how bringing these viewpoints together creates successful transplant programs that prioritize patient care and outcomes.

Why do you think this topic is important for leaders in the community?

Regardless of whether you are a veteran provider or a quality coordinator just starting out,  the day-to-day operations of a transplant program require collaboration. It’s essential to bring together diverse viewpoints and expertise to ensure the success of the program, and this is where collaborative leadership plays a pivotal role. It’s about recognizing that working together, rather than in silos, is key to better outcomes and sustainable programs.

What are you most excited about at TMF?

One of the aspects I love most about transplantation is the continuous opportunity for learning—it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in the field; there’s always something new to discover.

I’m excited to present alongside two colleagues with extensive business, quality and operational knowledge of transplant and make a positive impact where I can. I’ve had many roles in transplant over the years, but I’ve also had the first-hand experience of being a living donor to a family member.  I’ve on lived both sides, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share what I’ve learned.

Attend this session and more at TMF 2025

Learn more from Butler at the 2025 Transplant Management Forum in San Antonio, TX.  Registration is now open.

TMF 2025 presenters Geatrakas and Socci on Creating a Healthy Relationship between transplant staff and the C-Suite

TMF 2025 presenters Geatrakas and Socci on Creating a Healthy Relationship between transplant staff and the C-Suite

“Building strong relationships with the C-suite isn’t a one-time ask; it’s an ongoing partnership that drives success and ultimately benefits the patients we serve.”

Sara Geatrakas, MSN, RN, Business & Operations Manager and Clare Socci, BSN, RN, Director, Organ Transplant & Surgery, Hackensack University Medical Center

What will you two be presenting on at TMF?

The topic of our session is the relationship between transplant program staff and the C-Suite. For the past several years, we’ve seen how important this relationship is for getting the resources we need to be successful.

In six years, Hackensack University Medical Center went from just 90 transplants a year to 346 transplants in 2024. As programs grow, so do their needs, and that kind of growth takes more than a traditional mindset—it’s about viewing the C-suite as a true partner, not just a resource. The C-suite and us are both focused on the endgame, which is the patient.

We both come from backgrounds in critical care nursing, and we’ve been able to learn best practices to help ourselves and are excited to share with other programs.

What are you hoping TMF attendees will learn if they attend your session?

Our leadership, specifically our north region president, knows our program almost as well as we do. This has allowed us to do patient recruiting outside our main patient focus area. This partnership should go beyond human resources and focus on the growth and strategy of your program, which is ongoing and forever. That’s the shift we hope to demonstrate to other transplant programs – that establishing those relationships in the long run is good for the hospital, the transplant program and ultimately, the patients.

Last year was our first time attending TMF and we are eager to return and share our own experiences.

Attend this session and more at TMF 2025

Learn more from Geatrakas and Socci at the 2025 Transplant Management Forum in San Antonio, TX.  Registration is now open.

TMF 2025 speaker Cathi Murphey on Kidney Paired Donation

TMF 2025 speaker Cathi Murphey on Kidney Paired Donation

“Whether you’re new to KPD or just interested in expanding access to transplant, my session will challenge programs to explore expanding living donation through kidney paired donation.”

Cathi Murphey, BS. Ph.D.; Cellular and Molecular Biology, Director – Immunogenetics Lab, Southwest Immunodiagnostics, Inc.

What will you be presenting at TMF?

I will be giving an overview of kidney paired donation (KPD) and sharing how programs can set up successful KPD programs. We did our first paired exchange back in 2008 and now we are the largest single center KPD program in the country. I will be talking about everything from what are favorable pairs, to deciding what database to use.

What led you to take an interest in this topic specifically?

I’ve been in transplant for over 40 years and KPD is one of the most rewarding programs I’ve had the privilege to be a part of. When we first started our program, our motto was “We don’t say no, we say yes.” It’s incredibly fulfilling to help people who struggle to find matches or face long waits for transplants.

Seeing patients regain their health and return to being productive members of society—whether they’re no longer on dialysis or can finally walk across the room after battling congestive heart failure—is truly inspiring.

Why do you think it’s important to learn about this topic as a community?

It’s important for the community to know that there are underutilized resources available to start your own or join KPD programs. With enough pairs, you could exchange within your region, and I would love to see regional KPD programs in the future.

Attend this session and more at TMF 2025

Learn more from Murphey at the 2025 Transplant Management Forum in San Antonio, TX.  Registration is now open.


Transforming transplant program operations with data-driven tools

Transforming transplant program operations with data-driven tools

Collage of illustrative images of data from the UNOS Predictive Analytics tool alongside a doctor talking with woman, and a hand resting on a blanket while getting dialysis

Innovations and Technology

Transforming transplant program operations with data-driven tools

Helping more patients through more data, enhanced efficiency

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, transplant programs are leveraging data tools to improve patient outcomes, meet stringent quality standards, and optimize operational efficiency.

Here’s how UNOS’ innovative solutions are transforming the way transplant programs operate.

Three people icons standing close to each other

Enhancing efficiency: The UNOS Staffing Survey

One critical aspect of running a transplant program is ensuring adequate and efficient staffing. The UNOS Staffing Survey is the only tool of its kind tailored specifically for transplant programs. Each year, it gathers data on full-time equivalents (FTEs) across various roles, such as transplant coordinators, surgeons, and pharmacists, alongside key metrics like volumes of referrals and clinic visits.

Once that data is collected, participating programs gain access to an interactive dashboard, enabling benchmarking against similarly sized programs. This data-driven approach empowers hospitals to:

  • Justify staffing requests to hospital administrators
  • Forecast future staffing needs based on projected transplant volumes

By aligning staffing resources with operational demands, programs can ensure their teams are equipped to deliver high-quality patient care.

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Streamlining administrative workflows: The UNOS RFI

Administrative efficiency is crucial for transplant programs operating in a highly regulated environment. The UNOS RFI simplifies annual reporting for insurance companies and networks by consolidating the required information into a single survey. This eliminates the need for multiple submissions and significantly reduces administrative burden.

With just one submission, programs can direct UNOS to share their information with selected insurers and networks, such as Aetna and Humana. This streamlined process saves valuable staff time, allowing teams to focus on their core mission of improving patient outcomes.

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Driving quality improvement: Benchmarking and monitoring tools

To meet quality standards and ensure continuous improvement, transplant hospitals need robust tools for benchmarking and monitoring key metrics. UNOS offers several solutions tailored for quality teams:

  • Transplant Program Benchmark Report: This quarterly report enables programs to compare their metrics against national, regional, and similar-sized programs, as well as two named peers.
  • Key Insights Dashboard: Updated weekly, this interactive dashboard provides 24 high-level metrics, including pre- and post-transplant activity, with trend graphics to highlight performance over time.
  • Transplant Program Dashboard: A comprehensive tool featuring over 20 visualization tabs with data on pre-transplant metrics, market share, transplant activity, and post-transplant outcomes. Programs can customize benchmarks using data from 5-7 selected peers.

These tools empower transplant hospitals to monitor performance in real time, identify areas for improvement, and implement data-driven strategies to enhance care quality.

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Forecasting trends and preventing negative outcomes: UNOS Predict

Early intervention is key to addressing potential issues before they impact outcomes. The UNOS Predict dashboard provides a proactive solution by allowing hospitals to visualize performance metrics such as post-transplant graft survival and pre-transplant mortality.

The tool uses the latest SRTR PSR risk-adjustment models to deliver risk-adjusted, up-to-date insights. Updated monthly, this early-warning system helps hospitals:

  • Identify negative trends before they are reflected in published reports
  • Take corrective actions to improve outcomes in time to influence future results
Icon of two people connected by a red arrow to illustrate organ donation

Expanding transplant opportunities: The CARE Tool

Maximizing the number of transplants performed is a priority for all programs. The CARE Tool offers a unique perspective on organ offers, including outcomes of organs refused by a program but transplanted elsewhere. By leveraging this data, hospitals can:

  • Broaden their criteria for organ acceptance
  • Increase the number of transplants performed

This interactive dashboard, updated weekly, empowers programs to make more informed decisions about organ utilization, ultimately saving more lives.

Incorporating these data tools into daily operations allows transplant hospitals to achieve a trifecta of goals: improving patient outcomes, meeting quality standards, and increasing operational efficiency. By embracing data-driven decision-making, hospitals can ensure they remain at the forefront of transplant care, delivering better results for patients and their families.

Email us to explore how these tools can transform your transplant program and drive meaningful improvements.

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Efficiently matching patients with organs for transplant

Efficiently matching patients with organs for transplant

Collage of illustrative images of data from the UNOS Predictive Analytics tool alongside a doctor talking with woman, and a hand resting on a blanket while getting dialysis

Innovations and technology

Efficiently matching patients with organs for transplant

Accelerated policy implementation, optimized matching algorithms improve organ matching

The U.S. donation and transplant system is always evolving to be more efficient and equitable. These evolutions include the input of the entire donation and transplant community, including patients, and lead to new policies that make the system work better.

As the federal contractor that manages the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network’s lifesaving technology that matches patients with organs, it’s our responsibility at UNOS to implement these policy updates. Today, the median time it takes to implement new policies into the system has been cut in half since 2019, ensuring that advancements in organ transplant policy translate into real-world impact more swiftly.

We saw this firsthand with the launch and updates of Offer Filters and Continuous Distribution for Lung, both of which were major changes to UNOS’ technology that matches patients with organs for transplant. Both of these organ allocation updates focused on enhancing efficiency.

Our organ matching technology must not only streamline operations for transplant centers but also ensure that its matching algorithms reflect the most up-to-date knowledge and ethical standards. This has ultimately helped more organs be transplanted faster.

UNOS’ technology also supports the organ matching algorithm. Out of the more than 100,000 people on the waitlist, 86% are waiting for a kidney.

In 2024, UNOS achieved a significant milestone by being able to match a donated kidney with an eligible transplant candidate in less than 20 seconds. Other organs are being matched with patients in under 5 seconds. This efficiency is important in ensuring timely and equitable transplants.

UNOS’ technology is helping save lives through its ability to quickly and safely implement a new policy and match patients with organs.

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