Recent DonorNet improvements resulting from innovation events

Recent DonorNet improvements resulting from innovation events


March 6 and March 20


DonorNet Users


One of our recent AOPO Procurement Council Innovation events resulted in these two improvements to DonorNet:

  • ABO Audit log is now easier for OPOs to access (March 6)
  • Transplant centers will see a message on the match run page when an OPO has updated an infectious disease result to positive and the match needs to be rerun (March 20)


Right now, OPOs can click on the word ABO to access the audit log but many DonorNet users are unaware of this feature. To increase awareness, we moved the hyperlink below the words ABO and labeled it ABO Audit log. We’ll implemented this change on March 6.

ABO audit log view before

ABO audit log view after

If an OPO updates an infectious disease result to positive, a transplant center reviewing that offer in DonorNet will now see an alert on the match run page that the OPO needs to rerun the match. We implemented this change on March 20.

OPO view before

OPO view after

Transplant center view before

Transplant center view after

If you have questions, contact UNOS Customer Service at 800-978-4334 or [email protected].

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