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Over 30 kidney donors and advocates to celebrate World Kidney Day from the top of Mount Kilimanjaro

Living organ donors and donation advocates will climb Mount Kilimanjaro to raise awareness about the need for organ donation and to show what is possible for those who choose to become living donors.

2022: A year of livesaving milestones: Exceeded 42,800 transplants*; Surpassed 25,000 kidney transplants for the first time*; Also set all-time records for liver, heart and lung transplants*. *Based on OPTN data as of Jan. 9, 2023. Data subject to change based on future data submission or correction

U.S. set lifesaving organ donation and transplant records in 2022

Selfless deceased donors make 12-year record-setting trend possible.

Saving lives together

UNOS advances plan to restructure transplant network governance to best serve patients

To increase autonomy and transparency to better serve the nation’s transplant patients, UNOS recommends a restructure of respective boards of directors and to establish the OPTN as an independent non-profit entity.

Saving lives together

Change addressing disparity for black kidney patients takes effect

New policy allows for waiting time adjustments for those disadvantaged by the use of race-based measures of kidney health.

Saving lives together

UNOS leadership requests USDS engagement concerning leaked report and impact on patients

Leaders in organ donation and transplantation seek meeting and assessment with U.S. Digital Service concerning IT systems that make over 41,000 transplants possible per year.

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