OPTN Board approves VCA transplant programs, liver allocation refinements, and strategic plan
New VCA specialties included in member directory.
New VCA specialties included in member directory.
All current OPTN-approved VCA programs must show they meet new requirements on new application forms.
Programs to have 120 days to submit applications, application release date being finalized.
Effective Thursday, June 18, 2020, VCA offers will first be made to compatible transplant candidates listed at VCA programs within a radius of 500 nautical miles of the donor. This replaces the previous distribution unit, which had been the OPTN region of the donor hospital.
Effective June 18, vascular composite allograft offers will first be made to compatible transplant candidates listed at VCA programs within a radius of 500 nautical miles of the donor.
The Division of Transplantation (DoT) recently created multiple new resources to help your organization increase public awareness of Vascular Composite Allografts (VCA).