The new adult heart allocation policy takes effect this Thursday, Oct. 18, 2018
Access our many online resources or call your regional administrator if you have questions.
Access our many online resources or call your regional administrator if you have questions.
OPTN Policy 9.3.F (Extensions of HCC Exceptions) was amended on February 5. It will restore automatic approval for exception extension requests for a subset of HCC candidates with treated lesions that fall below the eligibility criteria for an initial exception request.
The changes included modifications to the required eligibility criteria for candidates to receive an automatic extension of their currently approved HCC exception. They currently require review by their respective regional review board.
The implementation of the addition of this new requirement was delayed to allow for the development of a new key personnel application form, which then needed approval by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The OMB has recently approved the new general supervisor key personnel application form.
This change created medical eligibility criteria for adult candidates seeking both a liver and a kidney, which means you now have to document and report new information.
Keep track of all the upcoming and recently implemented policy changes.