Hello, I am the grateful recipient of your loved one’s donated kidney. Your loved one’s amazing generosity has helped change my life in so many ways. His kidney has put an end to almost 4 years of painful dialysis and countless hours of pain, frustration and time spent in and out of hospitals.
Currently, I live in South Carolina; however, my wife and daughter had to relocate to Texas earlier in 2023. Having your loved one’s donated kidney allows me to get through my treatment here in South Carolina and relocate in the coming months. Having my wife and daughter in my daily life, being able to see them, being able to take my daughter to school—these are all blessings your loved one made possible. For that, I am so grateful and thankful!
His sacrifice has changed my life and will never be taken for granted. Thank you for your support and the part you played in allowing this individual to make the brave and generous choice to donate.
Thank you,
Submitted on behalf of: Kevin Moore (Kidney recipient)