Liver-intestine toolkits
View resources for liver- and intestine-specific policies, calculators, and related educational resources.
- OPTN Policy 9: Allocation of livers
- OPTN liver resources
- Toolkit: Expedited liver placement policy
- Webinars: Improvements to MELD, PELD, Status 1A/1B
Professional education
Median MELD at transplant to be based around donor hospital beginning June 28, 2022. Learn more and see UNOS Connect modules:
- LIV113 – Liver Policy Update: Calculate MMaT around Donor Hospital
- SYS178 – Calculate MMaT around Donor Hospital & Update Sorting within Liver Allocation
Go to UNOS Connect to access educational offerings. Select “Liver” in the course catalog.
Patient education
Narrated, animated videos: Prioritizing liver transplant candidates
- The Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD), age 12 and older
- The Pediatric End-Stage Liver Disease (PELD), younger than age 12 when first listed
Patient brochure: liver allocation
- English
- Español: Preguntas y respuestas para los candidatos a trasplantes sobre las asignación de hígados
Learn more about:
- a liver transplant on Transplant Living
- liver allocation on Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network
- OPTN policy 7 and 9: Allocation of intestines, and liver-intestines
- OPTN intestine resources
Professional education
Go to UNOS Connect to access educational offerings. Select “Liver” in the course catalog.
Patient education
- Learn about an intestine transplant on Transplant Living